I’ve been reading the news on Galnet, and I’m not sure what to think about it. As a lifelong Imperial citizen, I feel like I’m supposed to be upset that “traitors” are leaving the Empire. The propaganda would have you believe they’re taking Empire secrets with them, but I’m not sure I believe that. Hell, I’m a damn Duke in the Imperial Navy, and I don’t have any mind shattering secrets. I highly doubt these citizens do.
I don’t blame someone for leaving the Empire. I sometimes consider it too. Sure, I’ve earned my freedom, and I’m doing well for myself now, but it’s easy to feel warm when you’re basking. It’s when the chips fall that you realize just how cold the Empire can be. Freedom isn’t freedom, if it comes with a price tag. The whole idea of freedom in the Empire is a fragile dream, that can crash in the blink of an eye.
In the Empire we’re told from a young age, that the Federation has a heart of steel and concrete. “These are people whose only form IS function”. You can see this in their stations, that have all the aesthetic grace of a jersey barrier fucking a dump truck, or the other way around, I’m not really sure. What I am sure of, is that Federation ships, Federation stations, and Federation babies, are all ass-ugly.
There’s always an exception to every rule, and Fisher Terminal, in the Okinura system is that exception. I thought Dawes Hub was amazing. Ha. Nothing. Literally nothing could have prepared me for what I saw when I flew through the mailbox of Fisher Terminal. It broke every rule I had ever heard of the Federation. The place is gorgeous. It’s like a jungle in space, with little bits of station poking out only when it was absolutely necessary.
My jaw dropped at the sight. Even now, as I sit in my cabin in Robigo Mines writing this, I’m awed by what that station offered. If the Marlinists saw that, I wouldn’t blame them for making their move.
If there’s anything I know from our very long history of human suffering, it’s that refugees are often going to have just as hard a time wherever they go, as they had where they left. For some reason, people aren’t very welcoming to other people in need. There are so many resources in the universe, that we could scarcely use them all, and yet we’re so territorial and possessive that we’d literally kill to protect our things, and more often than not, things that aren’t ours, but we feel entitled to.
I hope that I can be the change I want to see in the universe. So I’m going to head over to LFT 625, and see if I can manage to be of some help to these people who obviously need it, and if the Empire wants to label me a traitor too, so be it. I’d rather be a traitor to the Empire, than be a traitor to humans in need, and I’m willing to accept the consequences of my actions in doing so.